Understanding The Causes Behind Lower Back Pain

Lower back pain has many causes and the first step to treating it is to know about it.

Lower back pain is something kind of universal. It is known that 80% of all people in the United States will have had a significant episode of lower back pain by age 40. Some back problems are acute, which means it occurs once and then disappears. However, other conditions are chronic. These are the ones that are constant or are ones that recur very frequently.

Most people with balance problems may not associate chronic lower back pain as a contributor to their lack of balance. Here, we will discuss the correlation between back discomfort and steadiness on one’s feet. We will also introduce some new research about how treatment of the back can actually help improve stability and bring you a better life quality.

Painful chronic back conditions tend to cause people to react so as to protect and guard against their pain. In essence, many people are walking and standing with abnormal posture. This is because their body is guarding and compensating for their painful back. We’ve all seen people who are hunched forward at the waist or are leaning to one side because of their back problems.

light exercises can help reduce lower back pain

One’s normal standing balance is a product of several factors. Our eyes and the balance mechanism of our ears send messages to the brain to help with normal equilibrium. We all know that if we close our eyes, we are more unsteady. Likewise, if our head is submerged in cold water at a pool or lake it can affect the ears’ mechanism of balance and cause us to have temporary balance problems.

Another factor that provides balance information to our brain is sensory signals from nerve endings in the body’s joints. The word “proprioception” is a term that describes the body’s ability to sense movement and balance. The joints of our feet, hips, pelvis, and lower back are especially significant in helping our brain process information that leads to proper balance. If these joints are injured, proprioception problems may follow. Since lower back pain can cause impaired proprioception, these people are more likely to be unsteady on their feet and significantly more at risk for falls.

In case you are suffering from lower back pain, here are a few tips for you:

Tip #1 for Lower Back Pain:

Stretching your back – stretch your lower back before you go to sleep, when you wake in the morning, and at the end of your working day. Simple lower back stretches ease the muscle tension that has built up from gravity, lifting and bending, and other lower back pain causes. Try it, but remember not to force yourself beyond a comfortable level.

Tip #2 for Lower Back Pain:

Spend more time lying down – most adults spend the entire waking day either sitting or standing. This is unfortunately how modern life has shaped workers. Gravity places a lot of stress on your lower spine which leads to one of the most common causes of lower back pain … tiredness of the muscles. So, if you can, try lying down more to alleviate the pressure.

Tip #3 for Lower Back Pain:

Treat it early – lower back pain in the early stages is the easiest time to correct it. Most people wait until they can hardly walk, or pain is radiating down the leg, or it has been a few months of suffering before deciding to try and correct their lower back pain. This is really bad advice, as the pain gets progressively more difficult to treat. This brings us to our next advice…

Tip #4 for Lower Back Pain:

If Pain Persists – seek help! There are numerous treatments you can use to eliminate lower back pain yourself. However, there is no substitute for consulting with a professional lower back pain expert. These include chiropractors, personal trainers, alexander technique tutors, and so on. It doesn’t matter who you see, as long as they are well trained.

A scientific study in the journal Frontiers In Neurology in December 2020 noted that, in examining 151 adults of varying ages with or without chronic lower back pain, it was revealed that chronic back problems and advancing age are risk factors for reduced proprioception.

Fortunately, healers such as chiropractors are trained to diagnose and treat these problems. Often, a chiropractor can help a patient by realigning malpositioned spinal vertebrae and pelvic bones. Once the joints of the lower back are in proper alignment normal proprioception can occur and people feel a substantial improvement in their balance. Chiropractors are specialists trained to treat physical, and mechanical alignment problems of the spine and pelvis. Most patients who go to chiropractors find that having chiropractic treatment is a safe, comforting experience because it corrects spinal distortions, relieves lower back pain, and can help achieve improved or normal balance.

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